Palm oil dominates vegetable oil use worldwide. Oil palm fruit mesocarp (reddish pulp) is its source.
Now farmed in Asia, North America, and South America, palm oil trees were originally from Africa.
Over 85% of palm oil comes from Indonesia and Malaysia. However, 42 additional nations produce palm oil.
This versatile oil is found in nearly 50% of store packaged goods, including bread, ice cream, pizza, chocolate, and donuts.
Toiletries including toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo include palm oil, as do over 70% of cosmetics, including lipstick.
Palm oil can be distributed because it's semi-solid at room temperature. It resists oxidation, extending product shelf life.
Palm oil can be harvested practically year-round, making it attractive to growers and smallholders who need a continuous revenue stream.
Palm oil has several advantages over its drawbacks, at least on paper. Palm oil is a major cause of deforestation.