Taurus: Unapologetically outspoken and stubborn; direct and honest, even if offensive; lively sassiness, sometimes perceived as rude, notes astrologer Tara Bennet.
Virgo: Sharp-tongued, self-righteous energy; critical perfectionists with deep-cutting words and remorseless body language, notes astrologer Ryan Marquardt.
Gemini: Friendly, non-confrontational, witty connectors; use sass to be liked, secure connections, and advance goals; care-free, charming approach, notes astrologer Bennet.
Aries: Mars-ruled, action-oriented, unabashedly sassy; lack restraint, may seem immature; thrive on competition and confrontation, assertive attitude with no hesitation, explains astrologer Marquardt.
Scorpios: Thoughtful, calculated speech and actions; ruled by Mars, boundary-pushers; sassy response to criticism, strong self-belief; observant water signs, skilled at triggering and button-pushing, magnetic personalities.
Leos: Drama-loving, attention-seeking, unabashed personalities; loudly and proudly sassy for reactions; entertaining but sometimes overwhelming, notes astrologer Marquardt.