Aquarius: Independent thinkers, intellectual, ruled by Uranus. Passionate discussions lead to feisty debates. Embrace uniqueness, go against the grain - Rachel Clare, Mystic Sense.
Scorpio: Emotional, intuitive water sign with a moody nature. Ruled by Pluto and Mars, they're feisty and aggressive when provoked.
Gemini: Chatty and witty due to Mercury influence. Quick to engage, loves learning from others. Feisty side emerges when challenged - Rachel Clare, Mystic Sense.
Sagittarius: Energetic and open-minded fire sign. Lacks filter, can get riled up easily. Values freedom, may lash out when feeling restricted. Quick to forgive - Tara Bennet, Mediumchat.
Leo: Fiery and attention-seeking. Quick to amp up feisty side when challenged. Determined and persistent fixed sign. Will fight to defend loved ones and ego. Handle with care - Tara Bennet, Mediumchat.
Aries: Fearless fire sign, first in the zodiac. Driven by fiery Mars. Quick to confront challenges, charged like a Ram. Feisty, impulsive, strong survival instincts - Rachel Clare, Tara Bennet.