Libras aim to please, often agreeing to avoid conflict. Seen as basic due to popularity focus. Social, well-informed, gossip-prone. Astrologist Rachel Clare notes people's playful labeling.
Taurus craves luxury, values comfort and stability. Fixed and obstinate, they embrace familiar indulgences. Routine-loving, often deemed basic due to predictability.
Gemini, an air sign, excels in adaptability and social skills. Lively discussions and easy friendships, yet perceived as basic due to blending in and lacking distinctiveness.
Virgo, labeled 'Karen' of zodiac, clings to comfort, avoids risk. Stuck in their ways, critical but sensitive to feedback. Strive for superiority, reluctant to admit basic traits, may belittle others.
Cancer seeks uniqueness but sticks to familiar ways. Overcompensates to seem experimental. Yearns for approval, struggles with adopting new trends genuinely.
Leo, fierce and clichéd, seeks on-trend validation. Social media showcases wealth and popularity. Fixed nature leads to stubborn routines, predictability underlying their basic traits.