This lesser-known perennial is absolutely charming! Long arched stems are covered in cute, little dancing bells in April or May
Gaining in popularity as an alternative to impatiens, this beautiful annual comes in shades of periwinkle blue, white, and violet on mounding foliage.
Hostas come in various sizes from a petite 4 inches to as big as 6 feet across! But be aware these perennials are a favorite of deer and rabbits
So it's not the prettiest name, but it does boast lovely purple or pink flowers in mid-spring with silvery-speckled leaves.
If you're looking for a vining annual that works equally well in sun and shade, sweet potato vine is the answer.
Begonias thrive in full shade and other circumstances. They can be 6 to 18 inches broad and 6 to 3 feet tall, depending on the kind.
Ligularia, sometimes called the leopard plant, has large showy leaves and bright flowers in shades of yellow.
These happy-faced flowers tolerate full sun in spring and fall, but come summer, they'll need part shade.