Pansies are hardy winter flowers with vibrant colors, making them ideal for winter gardens.
Snapdragons produce tall spikes of colorful blossoms and can tolerate cooler temperatures.
This deciduous shrub produces bright yellow flowers and blooms in late winter.
Cyclamen's unique, colorful flowers add beauty to winter gardens, especially in containers.
Known as Christmas or Lenten roses, hellebores bloom in winter with elegant, nodding flowers.
These bright yellow flowers emerge in late winter, providing early-season color.
Winter-flowering varieties of heather add texture and color to the garden.
Witch hazel produces spidery, fragrant flowers in late winter, adding interest to the landscape.
Primroses offer a burst of color in shades of pink, purple, and yellow during winter.
Similar to hellebores, Lenten roses produce elegant flowers in late winter and early spring.