
13 Surprising Facts About a Dog's Eyes

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Discover how dogs' eyes adapt to low light, giving them a nocturnal edge.

Enhanced Night Vision

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Unveil the "tapetum lucidum," enhancing their night vision and creating that signature eye shine.

Reflective Layer

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Learn why dogs see the world in shades of blue and yellow, not the full spectrum of colors humans do.

Limited Color Spectrum

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Explore the variety of pupil shapes—round, oval, and slits—tailored to different visual needs.

Unique Pupil Shapes

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Understand why dogs blink less frequently, keeping their eyes moist and protected.

Blink Frequency

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Decode the emotions conveyed through their eyes, mirroring their feelings and connection with humans.

Communicative Expressions

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Witness the "whale eye" and the "hard blink," both reflecting different emotional states in dogs.

Different Blink Styles

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Marvel at their exceptional motion detection ability, a trait inherited from their wild ancestors.

Sensitive to Movement

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Discover the nictitating membrane, or "haw," which provides extra protection and moisture for their eyes.

Third Eyelid

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Contrary to popular belief, dogs rely more on motion and scent than true depth perception.

No True Depth Perception

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Learn about their capability to see ultraviolet light, unveiling a world of details hidden from human eyes.

UV Light Detection

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Understand why dogs combine their sense of smell and sight to perceive the environment more holistically.

Scent Connection

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Explore recent findings suggesting that dogs' tears may be connected to their emotions, not just physical irritation.

Tears of Emotion

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