Your coworkers may avoid engaging in casual conversations or limit communication with you.
If you consistently find yourself excluded from work-related social events or gatherings, it could be a sign.
Your colleagues may hesitate to collaborate with you on projects or may not seek your input.
Avoidance of eye contact or quick glances away when you approach may indicate discomfort.
If you notice colleagues whispering or gossiping around you, they may not have positive feelings.
Your suggestions or ideas may be met with indifference or lack of enthusiasm.
If you often receive unwarranted criticism or negative feedback, it could be a sign of tension.
You may not receive invitations to join group meetings, discussions, or work-related outings.
Responses to your questions or comments may be curt or minimal, signaling disinterest.
Observe facial expressions, as frowns, eye rolls, or raised eyebrows may convey negative sentiments.