Silence is the loudest sound for pets at home alone! Daytime TV chatter can calm your pet like it does humans after a hard day.
Fill your home with low-level music in your absence to calm your pet, muffle outside noises, and relax.
Maybe a food dispenser can get to your pet's heart through their stomach! Watch your pet eagerly await their next meal.
Alter your routine to let your pet run about and recharge while you work.
Use a pet camera with a microphone to monitor your pet and let them know you're there.
A quiet companion may be outside the window. Upgrading cats and dogs to rooms with windows to see the world may be entertaining.
Durable treats are essential for a tranquil day. Buy a durable dog chew to reduce barking.
Their forms and sizes vary. For a puzzle-master pet, why not give them multiple codes to find their prize?