Due to their fiber and minerals, whole fruit and vegetable sugars are healthier.
Sugar withdrawal works best with small steps. For instance, cut tea and coffee sugar by 1/4 teaspoon every two days.
Full-sugar soft drinks should be avoided. Coke's 500ml bottle has 53g (13.3tsp) sugar, 1.8 times your daily limit, and 210 empty calories.
Physically active people metabolize sugar and carbs better. A 2020 study indicated that regular exercise reduced sweet tooth over time.
Instead of sugary ice cream or lollies, try frozen red grapes or banana slices. Banana chunks make great "nice" cream when blended in a robust blender.
Higher cocoa content means less sugar in chocolate. Instead of filled chocolates with sugary centers, try a few squares from a solid bar if you only like milk chocolate.
A 60g portion of supermarket sweet and sour or sweet chilli stir-fry sauce has 17-20g (up to 5tsp) free sugars, or two-thirds of your daily recommended limit.