Due to their extraversion, lucky folks smiled twice and made greater eye contact.
Wiseman believes their sociability makes individuals more likely to get lucky or find good opportunities.
Lack of opportunities and prospects makes the other camp unlucky. They may just talk to a few individuals at a party and lose out on interesting people.
Persons who consider themselves unfortunate, on the other hand, have neuroticism scores that are roughly twice as high as those of lucky persons.
People that we consider lucky (or who believe they are lucky) will be more open. They meet new people, go to new places, and try new activities.
"Lucky people" took seconds. "Unlucky people" took several minutes. Why? Because the fortunate individuals were less nervous and more open and perceptive.Unlucky people were looking so hard that they missed the clue
Lucky folks are also more hopeful. They anticipate success, and these ideas and expectations are frequently realized.